Tuesday, November 2, 2021


 Session-3 ;

26 Oct 2021

Managers are the people in the organisation who are responsible for developing and carrying out the management process. Hence they assume various roles in day to day activities. The manager has to constantly switch between roles by the demand of the situation.

Henry Mintzberg categorised these roles into some broad categories; interpersonal roles, informational roles and decisional roles. There was also a brief discussion about the public relations manager and the students realised how important is the job of a PR Manager in maintaining the good image of the organisation and its products in the eyes of the stakeholders.

Mintzberg Model: 10 Different Roles of a Successful Manager | by Taskworld  | Taskworld Blog | Medium   

A Manager who fosters good management skills can propel the company's mission and vision. Some of the major skills are technical skills, interpersonal skills, conceptual skills, diagnostic skills, decision-making skills, time management skills and communication skills. The session ended with a discussion of a few cases and insightful videos.

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